December 27, 2016

Tough Luck

I made the mistake of picking up a Vogue magazine that was lying around (one of the taglines listed on the cover caught my eye):

Good Mood or Good Sex: Do Women have to choose?

This was on the bottom right hand corner of the July 2013 issue of (american) Vogue Magazine. The article it was describing was titled "Tough Love", written by Elizabeth Weil.

Full disclosure: I did not get all the way through the article; after the first couple of pages I just couldn’t take it anymore; it was so nauseating and it started to make me upset.

The article was about American (or western) women taking anti-depressants, and how anti-depressants were killing their libido.

I started to read the description of some of the women interviewed and what they had to say.

From the little I read, it seemed most of these women were from the upper middle class.  They have everything: A career (or a husband that provides for them), a nice home, material goods, a comfortable lifestyle, a loving husband, children (in some cases), etc.  Absolutely nothing in their life to be stressed or depressed about (other than the usual stress of working, commuting, raising kids, etc – what most people, including men, also have to deal with).

One of interviewees claimed her husband was physically attractive, supportive, a good father, etc; basically, a good catch.  She claimed she loved her husband but that she would rather sit on a cactus (or something to that effect) than sleep with him.


So she would rather be tortured (because sitting on a cactus IS torture) than share intimacy with the man whom she promised to love and cherish for the rest of her life, a man who supports and is there for her?  REALLY?!

These aren’t women living in war zones or who are living below the poverty line.  They are well-to-do women who have everything women want (or so they say).  And they are STILL depressed?  They still feel the need to take anti-depressants? (which affect their libodo)?

What a bunch of selfish, evil, cunts.

Also, I don’t mean to sound callous, but technically women don’t have to be “in the mood” to have sex with their husbands.  Libido is actually more important for men because they aren’t able to perform (i.e. “get it up”) without it.  Women don’t have this problem.  In fact, many of them humor their husbands and have sex with them even though they may not be as into it all the time.  While this is not an ideal situation (it’s much better if the woman is also into it), you can still have sex.

The article by Ms. Weil just points out how self-centered women are.  They can “have it all” and still find something to complain about.

Men may not always want to take the trash out or mow the lawn, but they do it anyway (especially if their wives ask them to).  They don’t’ say that they would rather sit on a cactus.  I realize the two scenarios are not exactly the same, but I’m just making a point.

My god – how women have fallen.  They have gone from loving us to despising us and seeing us as just another inconvenience in their lives.  Or maybe they’ve always felt like that.  I’ll never know.

This is what awaits young men who want to start dating seriously and get married:  Frigid prudes who will withhold sex from them one day, after they’ve been trapped into a relationship.

It doesn’t matter how good of a husband you try to be, it doesn’t matter how good of a father you are to the children, it doesn’t matter how hard you work, it doesn’t matter if you support her in her career, it doesn’t matter how many chores you do around the house, or how many diapers you change, or how often you cook dinner or clean up the kitchen, or how much you spend on furniture or on gifts, it doesn’t matter how many trips or vacations you take, at the end of the day it will never be enough for her and she will be depressed or stressed and will not want to have sex with you.

It’s always “I’m too tired” or “I have a headache”, or “I’m depressed”, etc.  Always something.  I wonder how women would feel if anytime they wanted to have a deep conversation, her significant other would cut her off with the same excuses over and over.  I’ll bet the women would be pissed.  But only women are allowed to be mad at their husbands.  Husbands who are snubbed by their wives are expected to just take it. In silence.  Stoically.

Sex.  It doesn’t even have to take much time or effort on her part, and it means the world to her man, but even that is too much to ask of her.

And then everyone wonders why half of all marriages end in divorce, or why some men (who are otherwise considered “good” men) are driven into the arms of another woman.

Nasty bitches.  They’ll withhold sex from their husband for years, but as soon as they get a divorce, they’ll have a one-night stand with the first guy they meet at a bar after being newly single.  Gross.

There was a stupid post on some dumb blog trying to make excuses for women on meds: 

I would honestly like to know why these women are taking these meds in the first place, when by all appearances they don't have to (as "feminism" gave them everything they ever wanted).  But rather than asking WHY these women are taking these drugs, she argues that "the medical community needs to solve the low-libido problem" (when in fact, it is WOMEN who need to look at themselves and why they feel the need to be pill poppers, which the medical community is only too happy to oblige).  Stupid ass-backwards logic from these women, but they are too blind and stupid to see it.  After all, feminism has taught them that women can do no wrong, and that if they have a problem, it means that someone else is causing it.  It's never women's fault - it's always the fault of somebody else.

Tea Leoni: She's played prudes on-screen, and she's probably one off-screen as well.

Women like these are the reason why this web log exists.  They were the catalyst for this web log.  The article by Ms. Weil just confirmed what I already knew but was afraid to accept.

It was difficult at first.  Years of conditioning by feminism is hard to shake off.  In the past, if some guy criticized women, I just assumed they were a sexist pig.  And while it doesn’t mean they weren’t, I now know I can’t assume that anymore.  Some women actually are jerks and deserve to be criticized.

Growing up I was told that if I just did this, or just did that, and respected women, that women would respond in kind, or that they would “like” me.  I was told that women respond favorably and positively to a “good man”, as opposed to a jerk.

LOL.  Sounds naïve, and I guess it was, but I was young and didn’t know any better.  Now I know.  Decades later.  So I finally decided to write a web log about this topic, since this stuff can’t really be talked about in public because you’ll be accused of being a misogynist, but more importantly, your livelihood and your family’s well-being could be adversely affected.  That’s how our politically-correct society functions now.  There is no free speech anymore (even if it’s the truth).

I know not all women are like this.  This is not a blog about all women.  Just SOME women.

Speaking of women I like: I would like to pay my respects to Carrie Fisher.  I don’t know what her politics were, and I don’t care (I’m assuming she identified as a feminist, though).  I am a huge Star Wars fan, and Princess Leia is one of my favorite characters.  Unlike the character “Rey” from the new star wars movie (the force awakens), Princess Leia never struck me as a token female character.  She was just a great character that happened to be female.  That’s how it should be.

R.I.P. Carrie.  We love you very much.  My condolences to your family.

December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

I'm putting aside my hostility today and wishing everyone a merry christmas.  May we not let the trivial things make us forget what is really important.

December 20, 2016

Yoga Yetis

300 lbs women, err - About 300 women (i.e. harpies with too much time on their hands) took to the streets to protest a letter they saw in a local newspaper.

Alan Sorrentino, a 63-year old man from Barrinton, Rhode Island wrote a letter to the Barrington Times that stated, “To all yoga pant wearers, I struggle with my own physicality as I age. I don’t want to struggle with yours.  Yoga pants can be adorable on children and young women. However, on mature, adult women there is something bizarre and disturbing about the appearance they make in public. Yuck!

Alan Sorrentino

Though I personally don’t believe his statement is 100% correct, I thought it was relatively harmless (and funny; after all, he also included a self-deprecating comment).  Not so to the attention-seeking, eternally-offended feminists, however.

The hateful response from these banshees was surprising (or not really, if you are familiar with feminazis).  The article states that “Jamie Burke, a 40-year-old mom of two, was so outraged by his letter that she organized a peaceful protest that marched right to Sorrentino's door.”

Peaceful?  Yeah right.  These corpulent cunts and their supporters left threatening messages on Mr. Sorrentino’s telephone, telling him to “watch his a*s*s” and “We're showing up to your house, you f**k!”.  He was also told his house would be vandalized.

Imagine if these kind of people protested outside your door – pretty intimidating, no?

So let’s turn this around.  Say it was a 63-year old woman who said older men should not be wearing sneakers because those are for young people, and all these men walked up to her house protesting and leaving threatening messages on her phone.  That would be considered “violence against women” and “sexist” by the media and the feminazis.

But when feminists do this to an old man, it’s considered acceptable.

Truly a sick society we live in.

Normally I would have supported the protesters’ views (because I don’t care what people wear, even if they look bad in it), however, because of their behavior and the way they handled this incident, I’m going to call them out.  I don’t like calling people names either, but they deserve it so here it goes:

These nasty bovine bitches need to get a life and need to grow a thicker skin.  The correct response would have been to simply ignore Mr. Sorrentino’s letter, or to write in a rebuttal letter to the newspaper.  But instead, these washed-up skanks decided to make a mountain out of a molehill.  This protest was entirely over the top and unnecessary (there are more important issues in the world that are in need of a protest).

'Outraged' mother of 2, Jamie Burke - LOL.

Here she is again: duh . . . my wittle feewings are hurt . . .boo hoo hoo :(

and here is the morning show cunt who thought the protest was a nice idea

300 losers picking on a single old man?  Yeah, you guys are really tough, aren’t you?  What a pathetic bunch of shrill hags.  I feel sorry for their kids (the ones who took their children on this mock crusade).  Nice parenting.  I hope all of them spill their latte’s on their yoga pants.

 Hashtag warriors.  LOL

You're 53?  That's nice.  Would you like a prize for participating in life, since you obviously wont' be getting the blue ribbon?

Mmm-hmm . . .

And finally, since the harpies in Rhode Island responded so caustically, I will respond in kind:

Pick your battles, people.  This particular one was not worth it.