November 7, 2017

Entitled line-cutters

What's with these women who try to cut in front of you at the store and then get all mad when you call them out?

Today I was waiting to buy a snack (the lady in front of me was taking forever).  As I was waiting there patiently I noticed another lady who got there after me waving a dollar bill in the air so that the cashier would help her (she didn't feel like waiting in line). When I noticed the cashier was going to skip me in order to ring up the other lady first, I chimed up and said I was next. The cashier apologized, but the lady left the store in a huff (without making a purchase).

That's happened a few times to me. Another time I was at a store buying bread. A lady tried to cut in front of me by drifting next to me in line in order to rush the cash register at the last minute. I told her I was there first and that she needed to get behind me. She responded by saying that I was "acting like a woman" (she said it in spanish; she was hispanic). Funny that she used that as an insult. That just shows that even women don't like female behavior!

What bunch of losers. Their sense of entitlement is ridiculous. If a man did that to a woman, it would be called a "microaggression" and the man would be called a "sexist pig" by the politically correct feminazi idiots. But we're talking about women here.

And it's not like they were the princess types either (in both these cases they were overweight middle-aged women). Life sucks sometimes. It sucks even harder when you let yourself go.