March 7, 2017

A day without a bitch: March 08, 2017

Seems like women can’t come up with their own ideas so they steal other people’s ideas.  The original was “A day without a Mexican”, the purpose being to show that Mexicans contribute to the economy more than is generally thought.

Or for example, after the movie “Kings of Comedy” came out, the womynz couldn’t leave it alone and had to come out with “Queens of Comedy” (however, to be fair, hispanic males had their own copycat moment and came out with the “LATIN Kings of Comedy”).

But, back to the copycat supplanter and main topic of this post:

First of all, most people ARE aware that women are important in the economy. I don’t think anyone with half a brain is under the delusion that women could just disappear from the workforce without anyone noticing.  Believe me, we notice.  We compete for jobs with you.  We see you putting on make-up while driving next to us on the way to work.  We feel it when you take maternity leave and the rest of us (men and single women) have to take up the slack.  Believe us, we know you [women] are an integral part of the economy.  Not sure what you are trying to prove here.

Second of all, it was mentioned on NPR, the Seattle Times, and other news outlets that it was also going to be a boycott of business “except for female AND MINORITY-OWNED business”.

Not only is that attitude messed up, it’s downright racist.

Imagine if South Africa, a black-ruled country where whites (male and female) are routinely harassed, decided to have a “day without whites”, where protesters would only support “white-owned businesses”?  The entire world would scream “racist boers! Apartheid supporters!” etc.  So I find it hypocritical that the same would not be said of this women’s protest.

Not to mention that the people who came up with this idea and who are supporting this protest are WHITE WOMEN.  Women whose father was white, a father who worked to put food on the table, who helped put them through school.  And this is how women show their gratitude?  That is pretty effed-up.

It also doesn’t make sense that they would support men of color (race and gender are two entirely different issues).  But feminazis don’t make sense so I’m not even going to try to understand their “reasoning”.  They hate men of color, too.  But I guess these feminists don’t want to appear “racist”.

Third of all:  It must be nice to just be able to not show up for work.  Unfortunately, many of us (women AND MEN) don’t have that luxury.  We aren’t all privileged upper middle class feminist prudes living off alimony.

Will female doctors and nurses not show up for work?  What if there is a medical emergency?  Sorry, but your leg had to be amputated because we didn’t have enough medical personnel”.  Will female police officers not show up for work?  Sorry, we couldn’t respond to that rape in progress – we were short on manpower, err, person power that day.”  Female electricians?  Sorry but we wont’ be able to fix your internet until tomorrow” (now THAT would give these feminazi internet warriors a heart attack).

Of course the silver lining in all this is that men who show up for work won’t have to put up with women’s endless chatter and water cooler gossip, won’t have to put up with the haughty disdainful looks they get from women who walk past them in the hallways, and won’t have to walk on eggshells or watch their every little word or gesture lest they get reported to Human Resources for inadvertently offending women’s sensibilities.  For at least 1 day, some work can get done in peace.

For these reasons and others, this publicity stunt known as “day without a woman” is a stupid, asinine idea.  And idea created by hateful societal trolls.  Have fun tomorrow, losers.

 (that last objective is going to be a tough one!! LOL)