April 19, 2016

Bitch's Cauldron

An evil stepmother (no, not a Grimm fairy tale, but a real grim story) killed her husband's son by placing him in scalding water.

In the Cincinnati, Ohio area, 25-year old Anna Ritchie allegedly put a 4-year old (Austin Derreck Cooper) into 134 degree water for almost half an hour. By the time he was let out, he was so burned that his skin was falling off, and he was bleeding.

However, I have suspicions about this story.  According to story in the Washington Post (source below), The father, Robert Ritchie (no, not Kid Rock) was allegedly unaware of what had happened, and that though the child was crying through the night he never got up to check up on the child because he was told "not to check on him" by his wife.

Really?  You're just going to ignore a crying child just because your wife tells you to?  He is either lying or a bad father.

I feel sorry for the 'poor oppressed woman' - NOT.


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