I originally was going to title this blog "some women suck", but it sounded lame. Plus, there are so many "men suck" websites out there, I figured turnabout is fair play.
I know that not all women suck. There are lots of good women out there. There are those who have good characters and positive attitudes, love their man and their families (and SHOW it), and have respect for themselves. I am not talking about those women.
There are also women who started out well but somewhere along the way had bad experiences with men. These are women who may not be misandrists, but are cautious and weary about the opposite sex. I can understand and respect that. I'm not really talking about those women either.
I am mainly talking about women with either a latent or overt irrational hatred of men and all things male. Women who pretend to care about guys but only care about themselves. Women who find fault in everything men do but who refuse to judge women by the same standards, or who make excuses for toxic behavior that would not be tolerated in males. Women who, although may have had bad experiences, get pleasure in painting all men with the same vile brush. Women who insist men are always perpetrators and women are always victims, women who feel the entire male world owes them something.
These women tend to be feminists or golddiggers (or both), but not exclusively. It is these hateful, vitriol-spewing, 'gibsmedat/gimme dat" females that I am talking about.